Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday Tip: Sharing Ideas with Fellow Teachers

I have had many, many opportunities to share ideas with colleagues. Some of my ideas have been appreciated and other haven't. There will be so many times in your career as a teacher to sit in roundtable discussions and share your ideas and philosophies. It is important to remember to listen as much as you talk, especially if you are a younger teacher. 

Veteran teachers have lots of very important experience to share, but that doesn't mean their way is the only way to do things. In order to cultivate mutually respectful relationships with your fellow teachers, listen to others' ideas, share your ideas and respect whatever decision is ultimately made, regardless of your personal opinions.

I will be totally honest with you, however, it's hard! I have had a very difficult time with it, especially being the extremely opinionated person that I am! But since starting my teaching career, I have learned the importance of cultivating relationships with fellow teachers. And it all begins with listening. It took me some time to learn that, so I hope you can benefit from the wisdom of my experience.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I made the mistake of trying to jump in and change things my first year, I learned that it would have been better for me to sit back and take in for a year or two, I could have avoided creating some pretty bad relationships!Now I have to rebuild them!! I'm a new follower :)
